Yard Duty School
Every student deserves to feel safe at school. Teachers also need to be protected. Which is why this app will help your school efficiently and effectively manage and report incidents in real time.
Report an Incident
On the fly, with an image and comments. This report will be forwarded the front desk in the correct format for the Department for Education
Shared with all staff
Keep everyone in the loop. All Staff will be noticed of the incident and its status

Time Stamped
The record keeping of reports are all time stamped and notes which teacher is on duty
Policies and Procedures
Have access to the all the Departments Policies and Procedures
Accurate Reporting
A teachers day can be busy. So being able to send an incident report to head office has never been easier
Keep Up-To-Date
Keep up-to-date with issues and their status at your school. Whether it is a maintenance or student related
Inform All Staff
Having all staff notified as they are discovered helps with managing the issue and keeping your school safe

Work process in 3 steps
Building the perfect app takes time and testing. Currently in develop as as we use real schools to prefect this app.
1. Reporting
Send reports on incidents in real time and keep and eye on there status.
2. Rostering
Make your rostering and remind your staff when they are on duty and where.